Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Class 9, Exploring Second Life


Started out here on the beach with a bunch of AFK players

Quickly found out I could fly, much more managable movement! Found a colosseum lookalike

Nice cabana overlooking the ocean

Its lonely on this dancefloor

Something tells me that Club H2O being part way submerged did not really make it a hit

This is my type of three person party!

Didnt know I could dance, but check out my sweet break dance moves

It does hold some really stellar views

Tried out a new world, was way to commercialized

Said their was aircraft there. Only flying thing I saw was myself

The garden of eden sounded a bunch cooler than it actually was

My least favorite part of the simulator

waiting for my character to load

Tried a new destination but was crowded and laggy at 20+ people

Really colorful arial shot of a sweet castle

Creepy world... was VERY creepy

Had cool water spooky house


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