Monday, June 30, 2014

Assignment 2-3

 Starting out with taking screenshot of learning ladder
 Opening screenshot above into GIMP
 Selecting the Cropping tool and area to be cropped

 First crop - directions were a bit unclear so, after reexamining them, chose to further crop the screenshot
 Final crop complete
Final Product

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Assignment 2-1: My GIMP Photo

Gimped Myself

Recent family re-dedication event. Brought a photo-phobic friend and was able to artfully remove her likeness from the photo. My tie is unbearably askew, I apologize.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Class #1, Assignment #5


Hi, My Name is Riordan (Rory)

Hello everyone,

I hope you have all had a great start to your summer! My name is Riordan, or Rory for short. I am a senior at Boston College currently nearing completion of my Marketing degree. I am originally from the Boston area and apart from a few years spent on the west coast, have lived here all my life. I currently work in the healthcare field for a company called Dovetail Health. I have been there just over 1.5 years and it has been a truly rewarding experience. I hope that through this class I will get a better understanding of computer graphics for use in presentations and any other needs that may arise in my future.

Here's hoping for a great semester!

^Also, here's a glorious cow for your enjoyment^